Just listen to Obamas speech since he is the new president.
I dont know anything about that and I dont care that much eather, I think it is not that big diffrent beetwen the candidates, but probaly it is.
I recived some calls from Sweden today, first from my mother and then Hartmann. Nice to talk with people who is on the other side of the world but it feels so close.
Me and Jason was skating with a player from his team today and worked with some skills and then we eat lunch and change some ideas and drills with eachother. It is good to talk with other coaches, because you never get complete as a coach or a player.
He wanted some skill drills for his u18 team and I give him some, and then we talked about me working with their skills 1-2 times in the month. That could be fun!
He liked my practies and think I did a good job teaching the PeeWees skills with Tier, Cone, Chair and Garbage cans on the ice. They dont have enough tools so I have to use everything possible.
And then I was going to the practice and had a meeting first and then ice practice with both teams. They did good and both teams were feeling that they had a good weekend in Chicago.
I saw a nice pitcure today, from my first year in Stocksund 94!
When we won a tournament in Gävle wich is Bäckströms hometown, the team was in the same age that 96 team are now!
Now is late and time to go to bed!
Fredrik Nygren
Fred !
Nice, ambitious blog.
Keep up the good work !
One thing only, you need to work on your spelling - "You spell like a rake.."
PS. Vi kanske ses i Kettler Iceplex?
Tack Supertacks!
Men jag vet ju inte vem du är?
När är du i Kettler?
2-3 ggr/år, ev ganska snart.
Vi möttes väl i U14 ?
Jag hör av mig...
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