Friday, October 24, 2008


I buy a new jacket today from A&F for the fall and the Winter!
I liked it really much!

The 96 had the first practice today and we worked with some powerplay and games, to get the right feeling for the weekend.
They looked tired today so I hope we will find back to the highest level in the weekend.

97 looked better today and we worked really hard the last 20 min.

Soon I going to watch the Caps game against Phoenix, Michael promised me a goal tonight so I hope he will keep his promise.

The time is running really fast over here and i havent start missing Sweden that much yet, except my family and friends.
But sometimes you wish you got some food and some candy like Kebabtallrik and Saltlakrits!

I think my English is better since I came here, but is still hard to find some words sometimes!

Now it it time for the game!

Lets go Caps!
Fredrik Nygren


Anonymous said...

hahaa jo en kebabtallrik nere på kvarnbergsplan är ju aldrig fel ;)

Fredrik Nygren said...
