Soft day today with lunch and some shopping in Montgomery Mall. It was a nice weather today with sun and warm outside.
I went to Michaels house around 4 and he was on his way to the game against Vancouver. Me and William played some ping pong and pool, he won in ping pong and me in pool. Around 6 we went to the game!
Today caps played really good and won with 5-1, Michael had 2 assist and 1 goal on penalty shot! He was good and was 1 of 3 stars in the game. Nicklas played good to with much energy and hard work.
The best player in Vancouver was Henrik Sedin. But Vancouver was not that good to day and had only 3 shots on goal after 2 periods. After the game me Alex and William went back to Michaels house and 1 hour after us, Nicklas and Michael showed up. We watched the game on tv one more time, and I think both of them were pretty happy with the game.
Tomorrow it is time for practice again with both my teams, but Andre is gone so Marcus gonna help me on the ice. Nice with a Swedish assistent! Its going well for him in the Midget u18 team, and so far he has played really good!
Best Regards,
Fredrik Nygren
Fredde, I am glad that you are trying so hard with your english, you are really improving. I enjoy reading your blog and the share all the excitement in the US. It has been a couple of really exciting weeks for us back home, at least for me dealing on the financial market. Things has changed so i don't know at the moment if i will have the opportunity to visit you in DC this side of Christmas. I am going to Chicago in the middle of Janauary and are planning to take a detour by DC to visit you then (if i don't have the opportunity in November). Rutger tells me to say hello and we read everything you write. I even have a RSS subscription on your Blog. Take care and win some games!!! T
keep on doin ya think mike!
Instämmer med Thomas. Din engelska har verkligen tagit stora kliv.. Keep up the good work!!
Hur är stämningen på läktaren på NHL-matcherna? Får du sjunga några sköna ramsor?
Bobby, jag väntar ju fortfarande på mina brorsdöttrar ska komma och hälsa på och då får du ju uppleva stämmningen.
Det är bra tryck men inga ramsor som hemma. Mer jumbotronen som får igång publiken.
Ja, det vore riktigt kul att hälsa på. Får dock vänta lite eftersom vi precis var i Italien en vecka.
Har förresten gjort en kampanj för Telia och fotboll i mobilen som jag tror du gillar...
Bobby, den var kul!
Du är duktig du!
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