I woked up at Mikes house around 10 am.
Eat some breakfast and then me Alex and Will was going to Starbucks!
After we watch a movie!
Then me and Alex going to eat lunch and get ready for the game.
97 played first today, both team played against New Jersy Colonials.
We had a good game with the 97 and won 9-0!
We played good offense and also killed 6 penalties, I got one for asking the reffere:
- Are you kidding?
Next up was 96 with the same refferes, they dosent seem to like us so we got very many penalties.
NJ Colonials scored their first goal in the first period in a powerplay, and that was the result after 2 periods.
In the third we came back and tied to 1-1.
It was a even last period with good chances from both teams, but with 25 sek left in the game we scored 2-1 and 3-1 in the empty net with 3 seconds left!
So we won the game!
Tomorrow both teams play again against the same teams.
Caps lost today in a shotout against Devils!
Todays pitcure is the 97 seven team on the warmups with some forest hockey!
Sleep well!
Fredrik Nygren
Grattis sonen det kommer att gå bra idag också. ( hoppas jag ) Puss
Grymt fredde, kul att det går bra för dig :) uppvärmning i USA och grejer w0w !
// Buddah
robin 25 Dif
Hej Fredde och Robin,
Kul att ni läser hoppas er hockey går bra!
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